I am working on a new multi-disciplinary project that will blur the lines between practice, process and product. I am incorporating my somatic, mindfulness practice into the art and the creative process and placing the focus there and not on outcome, striving for a creative effort truly unbiased by my consideration of the ultimate viewer.
"I am not a brand" (my working title) is a project designed for my own healing through being the change that I want to see in the world, working from authenticity and disconnecting with parts of society that do not feed this goal....
Subscribers will receive links to multidisciplinary works, blogs, information and samples of my new work..
If you are a subscriber or wish to be, it is with deep Gratitude that I say... giving up consideration of the viewer in a visual project is not an easy task. It takes a dissolving of self (past) and a releasing of outcome (future) and a deep practice of being in the present. It is not lost on me that being able to practice this is a privilege, one that I will not squander.
and not to worry, by nature of the project, an email update will be a rare occurrence. I am still months from having much to share!!